Good Business

Success is A Team Sport – Tone Down Your Competitive Antennae & Explore Collaborative Nexuses

Success is a relative concept that everyone pursues in their own way. As this is the case, there\’s always the desire to focus on the self rather than the communal which is an intrinsic human trait. However, through socialization we have formed into communities which give us advantages over adversaries both in situations and individuals. […]

Success is A Team Sport – Tone Down Your Competitive Antennae & Explore Collaborative Nexuses Read More »

Why you Need to Institutionalize Your Work

Last week I wrote about Laying the Foundation where I delved into the specifics of ensuring that as a founder or leader, you set in place a framework upon which others join in to support you realize your aspirations. In subsequent discussions and further reading, I\’ve gotten more convinced on the need to institutionalize our

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Laying the Foundation Right

\”The loftier the building, the deeper must the foundation be laid.\” – Thomas a. Kempis Yesterday when I restarted my journey back to blogging I penned down an article with focus on leadership in organizational culture setting. This to a greater extent was informed and influenced by the discussions I\’ve been having with my colleagues

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How Leadership Shapes Organizational Culture for Success

Leadership is a topic that\’s been studied extensively with various approaches to what it takes to be a great leader. However, out of all the expositions and narratives there\’s always a unique approach to leadership with pockets of similarities. These pockets of similarities in most cases have often been considered the hem that holds organizations

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How Intra-organizational Information Sharing and a Culture of Accountability can Drive Growth

Last week was a reflective one deliberating with my team, colleagues and friends working with different organizations and teams on corporate dynamics. The focus of our discussions to a great extent have been on the performance of different companies with regard to the abilities and perspectives of the very employees of these corporations. At an

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