
“Believers believe in something. Be one.”


It’s through conviction that we take action and from our actions we achieve our successes. Continuous action, cumulated successes get us to our aspirations and I wish we all get to that. I believe we all are believers it’s only a matter of difference in what we believe in. Most times our belief systems are anchored on the good and the positive outcomes we hope for. How amazing is that?


In the line of believing, we also need people to have confidence in our abilities; to see our potential, to guide us where possible and most importantly to believe in us. By believing in us and our abilities, they give us the courage to act on our dreams and thoughts. When we fail, they get us to try again. When we succeed they help us to keep going. That’s the power of believing in someone. Where am I going with all this?


Today I was lucky to start my day with a call to the Queen, (Mom), and as you can imagine, it was one of the best ways to start off my day. First, I’m not the religious type and we made our peace with this awhile back but in it all she believes that I serve God in whatever I do which I hope & strive I do as well. She was just from church when we talked which means it had to go through the brief on the church experience and everything that goes with that. We finally got to general life issues for which as always being a young person, we have our fair share of fears and uncertainties about life. Well, she gassed me up if you can relate. You’ve never been made to see all the potential you have in yourself from a narration by someone who has known you long enough to pinpoint your flaws up-close but still see the good that lies within you. Days like this and moments like these deserve a replay button. Her believing in me made me see the greatness that lies ahead even with the uncertainties that lie ahead. We need such people in our lives and if we can’t may we be them.


Later this evening I’ve had a great friend come around and it’s been encouraging to hear related stories about individuals believing in him and that having made him take chances. It’s such positive energy that gets us moving. I wont go on with my personal account of those who have believed in and taken chances on me. They have changed an entire narrative not only for me but for others because I intend to extend a hand to others in the journey. If you feel there is a way I could be of help, hit me up on the comment section as we get on.


Finally, today happened to be International Day of the Girl Child and this is an important day not only for me but the entire world. Women contribute greatly to who we are and how our society runs whether we acknowledge it or not. On this account, I only have one ask for you who is reading this: believe in the ladies in your life and enable them realize their potential. It’s not so hard to do that. Let’s all believe in the ladies in our lives, support their education, guide their personal development and care for them when and where we can because they have more to offer than we can imagine. They just need to be enabled to get to the stage.


To the lady reading: Baby girl you are a star, you are a genius, you are the gamechanger and don’t settle for less. You deserve the best on your terms and standards. Don’t compromise on that. Build yourself, nurture a generation and be the trailblazer to an egalitarian world because we are here to cheer & support you on till you wear the crown.


“Believe in yourself. Believe in someone. Act to make the dream come true. Let’s rewrite the narrative ToGetHer.”

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