Take Me Home

“Home is where the heart settles, the soul comes alive and we belong.”

“Take Me Home.”

That was the main conversation I brought up with two of my great friends this past week and as always it the response was when and what do I need to do. Today we made the trip and as I pen this, I am at the best of places. A place I am most at peace with friends I can count on. Not much has changed in our friendship except for casting the net wide to bring in more people. This is by letting my family get to know my family away from family and a chance to get to introduce them to where I come from. For the person I am, I am a product of some upbringing which I hold dear, letting friends into this is important to me.

It’s not everyday that we get to introduce our friends to family. There comes a time that you make the move and it counts especially knowing these are people who can hold you accountable for the things and decisions you make. Well, not most of the time but at least they do. If not, then we just bounce ideas, have fun and live for well, life has no rehearsal phase. The journey has been long, challenging and full of reminiscing childhood memories as we traversed over seven (7) counties. At least we had a chance to know something new about each other and that’s an addition to our bond of friendship. At the least in case there ever is a need, we know where to start and can get on with it. I hold such occasions dear to me.

We all have people we hold dear to us and if at all it ever got to a point that there was need to have people by your side, would that be the time to introduce them or they’ll come together to act accordingly? It’s a choice and I’m not going to say we all can do this but at least we can try. Let’s try to be the bridge and be an anchor for new relationships for people in our circles. We can do it one day at a time and keep on at it. Unless we intermediate, they may never know each other and then we all lose in the end. Nurture relationships, hold each other accountable, have fun and most importantly, be the home that others need. Take me home where my heart belongs for it does belong somewhere and when that happens, you are part of the home. I can’t be more grateful.

“In whatever you do, give it your best. As a teacher, the best part of my experience is talking and seeing young people attentively listening and learning. You coming under my roof is a blessing and this opportunity is another.” – Dad

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