Me: “Hi, am travelling on Wednesday next week to Kilifi on job issues so I need you to commute from my place because you will be babysitting partly”

Him: “Ok, I will be having meetings next week too but I can organize to commute to school. Plan your job trip.”

Me: ‘Hi, can you pay us a visit this weekend? There is a conversation I want us to have.”

Him: ‘Huh, there is a meeting am having in the morning hours on Saturday. I can come Saturday evening if that will be OK with you.’’

Him: “Faridah, how are you doing? How is work? How is parenting? Do you know you can achieve all you have ever wished to achieve? Don’t limit yourself, we are here as your family to see you achieve your dreams. Am here to see to it. I will babysit if that can propel you. You know getting a degree student as a babysitter is an added advantage?”

Me: “Am going to the US for 3 weeks on a work assignment, that your offer on babysitting is it still available? I would love it if you could commute to school for the period from my house.”

Him: “Anytime sister, just bring good presents.”

I can go on and on and still not come to a close of such conversations. Let me introduce you to my brother David Otieno. This one is something else. I have never met a person so dedicated to people’s growth and people pursuing their purpose as this one. He has held my hand all the way. Every time I look at what I have achieved, I see him eminently.  He has been more that a brother to me. Most times he becomes a father.  He is a father to my daughter. My daughter will have all the conversations with him and anything uncle Dave says NO to, is automatically a No. I have at times found myself going through him to convince my daughter to drop her demands on certain issues.

He started his Ryculture company out of passion for humanity. He believes that human beings if accorded an enabling environment, can all achieve their dreams and purpose. I have seen him live his conviction. He is my younger brother but most times he sounds older than me.

Today is your special day Dave. I want you to always remember just one thing: You have touched and left an indelible mark in my life and in the lives of your siblings. You have proven to them that as far as a human being can dream, they can surely achieve, I can’t wait to see what you become in the next 5 years.  One of these fine days your name will be a household name, negotiating for humanity, advocating for good governance and until then, I will be your greatest cheerleader.  Happy birthday Woud gi Were. You have brought joy, stability and blessings in my life as your sister.


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