Good Education is not Good Grades: Ambira Reunion

“Education isn’t just about school, classes and grades. It’s about knowledge that with time doesn’t fade. The true essence of studying lies in being passionate. It’s about a zealous urge to be in charge of one’s own fate.” –

Championing for quality education is something that I do often and it’s a part of who I am. I believe in the value of good education to nurture generations, correct for inequalities and shape the future of the world. I have written about this in the past including on these posts where I expressed my love for knowledge & educationneed for a Stanford like university in Kenya/Africa and the need for parents to play an active role in their children’s education among others. I’ll keep on with this and hope it inspires someone to take education as serious as it deserves to be taken. Most importantly it inspires people to champion for a value based education for practical wisdom & applicable knowledge.

This morning as I was heading to work, I was lucky enough to meet a former schoolmate in High School. We haven’t seen each other since 16th November 2012 when we did our last Business Studies Paper II examination together at Ambira High School. This translates to 8years since our last encounter. We got to catch up on the trajectory our lives had taken and in entirety there was some semblance of a value based education and nurturing that we got from the then Principal, Mr Wanga. Recounting experiences in school from being sent home for school fees, negotiating with the Principal to stay in school as parents found ways to clear the balances and being molded to be responsible individuals in the society. The most memorable catchphrase being, “A man must have something to say.” We were his sons but he referred to us as brothers almost always especially whenever you had erred in some way or the other. You felt terrible about it, wished you’d course correct and often times this remained with you for life. We didn’t get the best of grades but we got what we deserved and worked for. For that matter we are proud of the lives we lead which is an honor in itself.

On my way home I reflected on the conversation and remembered a visit by a friend early this year who found a bookshelf at my place and the first thing she saw was a tough parent. I’m not a tough parent but I believe in doing the right thing and what’s one’s best. There’s nothing more important than that. When it comes to education my mantra has always been life-long learning by nurturing a reading culture. With a reading culture, you’ll always be thirsty for new knowledge and with new knowledge you’ll always find use for it even if it’s in conversations and in blogs like this one. Knowledge never goes to waste. Grades count but they aren’t everything and for this matter, he that made men out of boys (Mr. Wanga) we celebrate & honor him.

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