Failing on a Monday

“Nobody loves to fail but it’s inevitable. I failed but I’m not bowed. I’ll try again and again until I win some day.”

Monday comes with it’s fair share of discomfort. Ranging from the Monday blues to hectic traffic and then today I had to top it with icing of failure. As always I psych myself every morning with high hopes knowing all I’ve got to do is give my best and let the rest fall into place. Today as usual I got to the office by 7:30 AM; set up my desk and got to work. It went well till about 11 AM when I was taking a break to stretch and get a cup of coffee to fire myself up for the next shift that I checked on my email.

You know how regret emails come perfectly crafted? This reminds me of a friend we schooled with in campus that had to face my rejection at one point in an interview and he keeps reminding me of it to-date. Luckily, we are honest with each other so we discussed it all over, took the learning points and moved on as good friends ready to ace life whichever way it comes. Well, the email as always goes like; “Dear…, Thank you for your interest in being part of… We received several stunning applications and it was a tough decision…. Unfortunately, we regret to let you know that you didn’t make it for this round of applications. We wish you well in your future endeavors.” The funny thing is they are hopeful that you have other chances in the future to try you luck and wish you well at it. What if you don’t intend to take any other chances? In other words, I’m trying to say it’s a painful experience especially when you were invested in it wholeheartedly.

The afternoon didn’t feel like it so I felt like reaching out to my colleague and partner on the project that had just flopped to catch up being it’s been two months since we last met. I nursed the pain, discussed the options we had and finally decided to move on knowing we may have a chance to explore alternative routes. That’s how it went. I’m not over the pain especially after three (3) months of toiling on it through the night on some occasions but either way it happened so I move on regardless.

Failure comes and goes whether we like it or not, we have to accept it. Best way to sort it out is to talk it over with people who may relate even if they don’t but at least you’ll have talked and calmed down. It helps. So for a Monday iced with failure, I’m ready for tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll not have to contend with another lose.

Oh! It’s one of the more than 500 regret emails I’ve received in the last three (3) years. Just so you know but it still hurts just as much.

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